Kalender Puasa Wajib Sunnah

by Miernabase Dev



Sunnah fasting calendar application shall be accompanied by a reminder feature and ordinances guide fasting obligatory and sunnah. Fasting is one of worship and pillars in Islam. Fasting consists of fasting obligatory and sunnah. It is expected that with this application can add insight regarding Muslims associated with fasting. Diantarnya obligatory fasting of Ramadan, fasting Qadha, Nadzar, and expiation. While the sunnah fasting Fasting including David, on Mondays and Thursdays, Shawwal, Arafat, Ashura and others.Fasting calendar feature on this application displays calendar information AD to include the Hijri date. Today required or forbidden disunnahkan or fasting will be given a sign of the background color on a date. Information about the background color of the image can be seen in the description below the calendar.